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For more information on notebooks and Mathematica-compatible applications, contact Wolfram Research: web: http://www.wolfram.com email: info@wolfram.com phone: +1-217-398-0700 (U.S.) Notebook reader applications are available free of charge from Wolfram Research. *******************************************************************) (*CacheID: 232*) (*NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest*) (*NotebookOptionsPosition[ 35351, 1323]*) (*NotebookOutlinePosition[ 36006, 1346]*) (* CellTagsIndexPosition[ 35962, 1342]*) (*WindowFrame->Normal*) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ "Applying prime factorisation in ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], ":\nRSA encryption functions" }], "Subtitle"], Cell["\<\ Ivan Cnop Vrije Universiteit Brussel icnop@vub.ac.be\ \>", "Subsubtitle"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Introduction", "Subsection"], Cell[TextData[{ "In this text,we let students write their own RSA code. This code is due to \ Rivest, Shamir and Adleman and universally used.\nSome instructions use list \ operations. The usage of list programming is limited in this notebook to the \ very simple Range, Length and Select commands that perform exactly what their \ name suggests. No hidden programming is necessary.\nFor the theoretical \ background it is useful to try out the Ugroups text first.\nIt is recommended \ to start a new session with ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " Kernel." }], "Text", FontWeight->"Bold"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Products of 2 primes", "Section"], Cell[TextData[{ "How do we recognise that a number is the product of exactly two prime \ numbers? \nLet us start with numbers we can factor by hand and check how ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " does this." }], "Text", FontWeight->"Bold"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Introductory example", "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["FactorInteger", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "[", "94", "]"}], "//", "TableForm"}]], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[GridBox[{ {"2", "1"}, {"47", "1"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], Function[ BoxForm`e$, TableForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Length[%]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(2\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["FactorInteger", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "[", "96", "]"}], "//", "TableForm"}]], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[GridBox[{ {"2", "5"}, {"3", "1"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], Function[ BoxForm`e$, TableForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(FactorInteger[9] // TableForm\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[GridBox[{ {"3", "2"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], Function[ BoxForm`e$, TableForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Length[%]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(1\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[TextData[{ "Now that we know primes are found in the first column, we select this \ first column by ", StyleBox["First[Transpose[ ]]", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(First[Transpose[FactorInteger[91]]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({7, 13}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ and the \"good\" integer are those which are exactly this \ product:\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Times @@ First[Transpose[FactorInteger[91]]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(91\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Here is a list of the smallest prime factors", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Table[ First[First[Transpose[FactorInteger[n]]]], {n, 2, 200}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 7, 2, 3, 2, 11, 2, 13, 2, 3, 2, 17, 2, 19, 2, 3, 2, 23, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 29, 2, 31, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 37, 2, 3, 2, 41, 2, 43, 2, 3, 2, 47, 2, 7, 2, 3, 2, 53, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 59, 2, 61, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 67, 2, 3, 2, 71, 2, 73, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 79, 2, 3, 2, 83, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 89, 2, 7, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 97, 2, 3, 2, 101, 2, 103, 2, 3, 2, 107, 2, 109, 2, 3, 2, 113, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 11, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 127, 2, 3, 2, 131, 2, 7, 2, 3, 2, 137, 2, 139, 2, 3, 2, 11, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 149, 2, 151, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 157, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 163, 2, 3, 2, 167, 2, 13, 2, 3, 2, 173, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 179, 2, 181, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 11, 2, 3, 2, 191, 2, 193, 2, 3, 2, 197, 2, 199, 2}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ Here is a list of all prime factors,without multiplicity, as is \ used in the computation of the Euler phi function.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Table[First[Transpose[FactorInteger[n]]], {n, 2, 200}] // TableForm\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[GridBox[{ {"2", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"7", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"11", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"13", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"17", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"19", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"23", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"29", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "5"}, {"31", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"37", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "19", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"41", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "7"}, {"43", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "23", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"47", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"7", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"53", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "19", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "29", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"59", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "5"}, {"61", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "31", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "11"}, {"67", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "23", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "7"}, {"71", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"73", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "37", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "19", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"7", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "13"}, {"79", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "41", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"83", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "7"}, {"5", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "43", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "29", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"89", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "5"}, {"7", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "23", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "31", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "47", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "19", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"97", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"101", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "17"}, {"103", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "5", "7"}, {"2", "53", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"107", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"109", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "11"}, {"3", "37", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"113", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "19"}, {"5", "23", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "29", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "59", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"7", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "5"}, {"11", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "61", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "41", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "31", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "7"}, {"127", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "43", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "13"}, {"131", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "11"}, {"7", "19", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "67", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"137", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "23"}, {"139", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "7"}, {"3", "47", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "71", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"11", "13", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "29", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "73", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "37", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"149", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "5"}, {"151", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "19", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "7", "11"}, {"5", "31", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "13"}, {"157", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "79", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "53", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"7", "23", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"163", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "41", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "5", "11"}, {"2", "83", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"167", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "7"}, {"13", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "17"}, {"3", "19", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "43", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"173", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "29"}, {"5", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "11", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "59", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "89", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"179", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "5"}, {"181", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "7", "13"}, {"3", "61", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "23", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"5", "37", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "31"}, {"11", "17", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "47", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "19"}, {"191", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"193", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "97", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"3", "5", "13"}, {"2", "7", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"197", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "3", "11"}, {"199", "\<\"\"\>", "\<\"\"\>"}, {"2", "5", "\<\"\"\>"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], TableForm[ {{2}, {3}, {2}, {5}, {2, 3}, {7}, {2}, {3}, {2, 5}, {11}, {2, 3}, {13}, {2, 7}, {3, 5}, {2}, {17}, {2, 3}, {19}, {2, 5}, {3, 7}, { 2, 11}, {23}, {2, 3}, {5}, {2, 13}, {3}, {2, 7}, {29}, {2, 3, 5}, { 31}, {2}, {3, 11}, {2, 17}, {5, 7}, {2, 3}, {37}, {2, 19}, {3, 13}, { 2, 5}, {41}, {2, 3, 7}, {43}, {2, 11}, {3, 5}, {2, 23}, {47}, {2, 3}, {7}, {2, 5}, {3, 17}, {2, 13}, {53}, {2, 3}, {5, 11}, {2, 7}, {3, 19}, {2, 29}, {59}, {2, 3, 5}, {61}, {2, 31}, {3, 7}, {2}, {5, 13}, { 2, 3, 11}, {67}, {2, 17}, {3, 23}, {2, 5, 7}, {71}, {2, 3}, {73}, {2, 37}, {3, 5}, {2, 19}, {7, 11}, {2, 3, 13}, {79}, {2, 5}, {3}, {2, 41}, {83}, {2, 3, 7}, {5, 17}, {2, 43}, {3, 29}, {2, 11}, {89}, {2, 3, 5}, {7, 13}, {2, 23}, {3, 31}, {2, 47}, {5, 19}, {2, 3}, {97}, {2, 7}, {3, 11}, {2, 5}, {101}, {2, 3, 17}, {103}, {2, 13}, {3, 5, 7}, {2, 53}, {107}, {2, 3}, {109}, {2, 5, 11}, {3, 37}, {2, 7}, {113}, {2, 3, 19}, {5, 23}, {2, 29}, {3, 13}, {2, 59}, {7, 17}, {2, 3, 5}, {11}, { 2, 61}, {3, 41}, {2, 31}, {5}, {2, 3, 7}, {127}, {2}, {3, 43}, {2, 5, 13}, {131}, {2, 3, 11}, {7, 19}, {2, 67}, {3, 5}, {2, 17}, {137}, {2, 3, 23}, {139}, {2, 5, 7}, {3, 47}, {2, 71}, {11, 13}, {2, 3}, {5, 29}, {2, 73}, {3, 7}, {2, 37}, {149}, {2, 3, 5}, {151}, {2, 19}, {3, 17}, {2, 7, 11}, {5, 31}, {2, 3, 13}, {157}, {2, 79}, {3, 53}, {2, 5}, {7, 23}, {2, 3}, {163}, {2, 41}, {3, 5, 11}, {2, 83}, {167}, {2, 3, 7}, {13}, {2, 5, 17}, {3, 19}, {2, 43}, {173}, {2, 3, 29}, {5, 7}, {2, 11}, {3, 59}, {2, 89}, {179}, {2, 3, 5}, {181}, {2, 7, 13}, { 3, 61}, {2, 23}, {5, 37}, {2, 3, 31}, {11, 17}, {2, 47}, {3, 7}, {2, 5, 19}, {191}, {2, 3}, {193}, {2, 97}, {3, 5, 13}, {2, 7}, {197}, {2, 3, 11}, {199}, {2, 5}}]]], "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Selection of a number close to 10000", "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[{ \(Remark : \ we\ will\ see\ in\ the\ following\ section\ \((about\ Partitioning\ \ into\ blocks)\) why\ it\ is\ useful\ to\ have\ a\ number\ slightly\ more\ than\ a\ \ power\ of\ 10. \ \), "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(The\ examples\ here\ are\ kept\ very\ small\ compared\ to\ the\ numbers\ \ \((close\ to\ \ \ 10\^60\ \ )\)\ used\ in\ the\ actual\ application . \ \ \[IndentingNewLine]Here\ is\ how\ \*"\"\<\>" good \*"\"\<\>"\ is\ \(\(programmed\)\(:\)\)\)}], "Subsubsection", CellDingbat->None, FontFamily->"Times New Roman"], Cell[BoxData[ \(Clear[good]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(good[n_] := If[Length[FactorInteger[n]] == 2 && Times @@ First[Transpose[FactorInteger[n]]] == n, True, False]\)], "Input"], Cell["\<\ In the list of all numbers from 9000 to a little over 10000 we \ select the last \"good\" ones by \ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["Select", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "[", \(Range[9000, 10020], good\), "]"}], ";"}]], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Take[%, \(-5\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({10003, 10006, 10015, 10018, 10019}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(FactorInteger[%] // TableForm\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[GridBox[{ {GridBox[{ {"7"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1429"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {GridBox[{ {"2"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"5003"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {GridBox[{ {"5"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"2003"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {GridBox[{ {"2"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"5009"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {GridBox[{ {"43"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"233"}, {"1"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], TableForm[ {{{7, 1}, {1429, 1}}, {{2, 1}, {5003, 1}}, {{5, 1}, {2003, 1}}, {{2, 1}, {5009, 1}}, {{43, 1}, {233, 1}}}]]], "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Selection of complementary exponents", "Subsection"], Cell["The pair 43 and 233 seem to be a good choice", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(p = 43; q = 233; n = p\ q\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(10019\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(m = \((p - 1)\)\ \((q - 1)\)\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(9744\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(FactorInteger[m] // TableForm\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[GridBox[{ {"2", "4"}, {"3", "1"}, {"7", "1"}, {"29", "1"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], Function[ BoxForm`e$, TableForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ Look for invertible elements modulo m : these are precisely the \ ones relatively prime with m . \ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(relPrime[k_]\), ":=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["GCD", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "[", \(k, m\), "]"}], "==", "1"}]}]], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(invertibles = Select[Range[m], relPrime];\)\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Length[%]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(2688\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ If we loopup de full list, we see 509 is a member. Look for the \ inverse of 509: the product has t o be 1 . Its position in the list of invertibles is\ \>", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["Position", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "[", \(Map[Mod[509\ #, m] &, invertibles], 1\), "]"}]], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({{1326}}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["This number is", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(invertibles[\([1326]\)]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(4805\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[4805\ 509, m]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(1\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ Avoid choosing self-invertible elements since it is bad practice to \ make choices that enable guessing the inverse\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["Position", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "[", \(Mod[\((invertibles)\)\^2, m], 1\), "]"}]], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({{1}, {113}, {129}, {336}, {433}, {449}, {465}, {576}, {769}, {880}, \ {896}, {912}, {1009}, {1216}, {1232}, {1344}, {1345}, {1457}, {1473}, {1680}, \ {1777}, {1793}, {1809}, {1920}, {2113}, {2224}, {2240}, {2256}, {2353}, \ {2560}, {2576}, {2688}}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["These are", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Select[Range[m], relPrime]\)[\([Flatten[%]]\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({1, 407, 463, 1217, 1567, 1625, 1681, 2087, 2785, 3191, 3247, 3305, 3655, 4409, 4465, 4871, 4873, 5279, 5335, 6089, 6439, 6497, 6553, 6959, 7657, 8063, 8119, 8177, 8527, 9281, 9337, 9743}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Length[%]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(32\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Therefore 2785 is a bad choice since", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[2785\ 2785, m]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(1\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["We have found all such numbers.", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Testing powers", "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[100^4805, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(6187\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^509, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(100\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[333^4805, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(5721\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^509, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(333\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ Maybe it is better to choose 509 for encoding messages, and its \ inverse 4805 for decoding. Choosing a decoding key in the middle of invertibles discourages running all \ first few thousand powers to crack the code.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[2407^509, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(42\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^4805, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(2407\)], "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Partitioning a number in blocks size 4 ( < 10000 )", "Section"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Building a program", "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(t = 3\^200\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(265613988875874769338781322035779626829233452653394495974574961739092490\ 901302182994384699044001\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[BoxData[ \(Clear[more]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(more[{l_List, m_Integer}] := \n\t If[m == 0, {l, m}, \n\t\t{Prepend[l, Mod[m, 10000]], \((m - Mod[m, 10000])\)/ 10000}]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(more[more[{{}, t}]]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({{9904, 4001}, 265613988875874769338781322035779626829233452653394495974574961739092490\ 9013021829943846}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(message = First[Nest[more, {{}, t}, IntegerPart[Log[10000, t]] + 1]]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(General::"spell1" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\) "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(message\)\" is similar \ to existing symbol \"\!\(Message\)\"."\)], "Message"], Cell[BoxData[ \({2656, 1398, 8875, 8747, 6933, 8781, 3220, 3577, 9626, 8292, 3345, 2653, 3944, 9597, 4574, 9617, 3909, 2490, 9013, 218, 2994, 3846, 9904, 4001}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Send:", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[message^509, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({7844, 8854, 6490, 9737, 2476, 3708, 3540, 8774, 3748, 4650, 4462, 9687, 396, 7183, 1870, 5638, 438, 8135, 2411, 587, 1097, 3556, 4022, 1279}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Decode:", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^4805, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({2656, 1398, 8875, 8747, 6933, 8781, 3220, 3577, 9626, 8292, 3345, 2653, 3944, 9597, 4574, 9617, 3909, 2490, 9013, 218, 2994, 3846, 9904, 4001}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Plus @@ \((10000\^Range[0, Length[%] - 1] . Reverse[%])\)\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(265613988875874769338781322035779626829233452653394495974574961739092490\ 901302182994384699044001\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(% == t\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(True\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Timing[Mod[message^509, n]]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({0.`\ Second, {7844, 8854, 6490, 9737, 2476, 3708, 3540, 8774, 3748, 4650, 4462, 9687, 396, 7183, 1870, 5638, 438, 8135, 2411, 587, 1097, 3556, 4022, 1279}}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Seems FAST!", "Text"], Cell["\<\ Remark: the \"PowerMod\" command is even faster and useful for \ large powers.\ \>", "Text"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["General basis", "Subsection"], Cell["Choose basis smaller than n", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(basis = 10001\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(10001\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[BoxData[ \(Clear[more]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(more[{l_List, m_Integer}] := \n\t If[m == 0, {l, m}, \n\t\t{Prepend[l, Mod[m, basis]], \((m - Mod[m, basis])\)/ basis}]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(message = First[Nest[more, {{}, t}, IntegerPart[Log[basis, t]] + 1]]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({2650, 380, 9567, 4295, 460, 6335, 9737, 55, 215, 3137, 2843, 6032, 7250, 6312, 1983, 9125, 8247, 9250, 5623, 6270, 295, 7370, 2345, 4225}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Send:", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^509, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({6429, 6, 7486, 6464, 4871, 5785, 2567, 6742, 7955, 6031, 2351, 5022, 4045, 6956, 1276, 1472, 9235, 2007, 5178, 9587, 480, 4899, 5005, 9605}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^4805, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({2650, 380, 9567, 4295, 460, 6335, 9737, 55, 215, 3137, 2843, 6032, 7250, 6312, 1983, 9125, 8247, 9250, 5623, 6270, 295, 7370, 2345, 4225}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Plus @@ \((basis\^Range[0, Length[%] - 1] . Reverse[%])\)\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(265613988875874769338781322035779626829233452653394495974574961739092490\ 901302182994384699044001\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(% \[Equal] t\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(True\)], "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Different choices", "Subsection", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(basis = 994\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(994\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(message = First[Nest[more, {{}, t}, IntegerPart[Log[basis, t]] + 1]]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({320, 90, 134, 34, 509, 905, 328, 836, 216, 504, 769, 787, 986, 846, 189, 108, 568, 947, 786, 584, 601, 165, 846, 260, 850, 349, 729, 523, 881, 240, 882, 37}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Send:", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^509, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({8759, 3862, 2050, 9536, 6069, 3644, 6816, 1621, 8085, 8695, 8012, 6567, 8787, 9093, 40, 4167, 1773, 345, 9924, 6818, 4213, 8993, 9093, 4977, 7070, 4157, 6590, 553, 8260, 411, 598, 265}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^4805, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({320, 90, 134, 34, 509, 905, 328, 836, 216, 504, 769, 787, 986, 846, 189, 108, 568, 947, 786, 584, 601, 165, 846, 260, 850, 349, 729, 523, 881, 240, 882, 37}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Plus @@ \((basis\^Range[0, Length[%] - 1] . Reverse[%])\)\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(265613988875874769338781322035779626829233452653394495974574961739092490\ 901302182994384699044001\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(% \[Equal] t\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(True\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["If messages are binary , use blocks which are a power of 2 ", \ "Subsubsection", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(basis = 4096\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(4096\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(message = First[Nest[more, {{}, t}, IntegerPart[Log[basis, t]] + 1]]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({31, 3416, 1596, 1003, 70, 2540, 538, 2359, 2678, 3892, 815, 4055, 985, 2020, 1142, 107, 1667, 3791, 1782, 3658, 1966, 549, 3066, 4081, 3754, 3979, 161}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Send:", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^509, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({52, 2180, 631, 9569, 323, 4758, 5328, 6199, 5065, 8940, 3924, 5750, 2975, 4385, 2894, 4476, 18, 983, 546, 9230, 8996, 2598, 7255, 9382, 6395, 9520, 8885}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Decode:", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Mod[%^4805, n]\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \({31, 3416, 1596, 1003, 70, 2540, 538, 2359, 2678, 3892, 815, 4055, 985, 2020, 1142, 107, 1667, 3791, 1782, 3658, 1966, 549, 3066, 4081, 3754, 3979, 161}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["Check:", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Plus @@ \((basis\^Range[0, Length[%] - 1] . Reverse[%])\)\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(265613988875874769338781322035779626829233452653394495974574961739092490\ 901302182994384699044001\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(% \[Equal] t\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(True\)], "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Conclusion:", "Section"], Cell["\<\ Both sending and receiving messages is handled by computing large \ powers. The number n and the encrypting key (exponent) is made public so that \ senders can send encrypted messages, changing basis occasionally. The receiver knows p, q, and the decripting key (exponent), which is the \ inverse of the encrypting key modulo (p-1) (q-1). To crack a code one needs to know the prime number decompostion of n \ .\ \>", "Text", FontWeight->"Bold"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Exercises", "Section", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Repeat with n somewhat bigger than 100000 and basis a \ power of 2\ \>", "Subsubsection", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(basis = 2^16\)], "Input", CellAutoOverwrite->False], Cell[BoxData[ \(65536\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ splitting binary message in 16 bit blocks. Remark: do NOT write the complete multiplaction table . Try to crack the code of your classmates.\ \>", "Text", CellAutoOverwrite->False] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Guessing how the PowerMod command works", "Subsubsection"], Cell["Compare", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Timing[Mod[123456789\^238145, 17]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({5.290000000000001`\ Second, 1}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Timing[PowerMod[123456789, 238145, 17]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({0.`\ Second, 1}\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["\<\ Look up in the Help and other documentation which rules apply when \ working with Mod and powers.\ \>", "Text"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"4.1 for Macintosh", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1152}, {0, 746}}, WindowSize->{768, 710}, WindowMargins->{{111, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}, Magnification->1 ] (******************************************************************* Cached data follows. If you edit this Notebook file directly, not using Mathematica, you must remove the line containing CacheID at the top of the file. The cache data will then be recreated when you save this file from within Mathematica. *******************************************************************) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1727, 52, 153, 5, 95, "Subtitle"], Cell[1883, 59, 83, 4, 89, "Subsubtitle"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1991, 67, 34, 0, 46, "Subsection"], Cell[2028, 69, 617, 12, 104, "Text"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2682, 86, 39, 0, 36, "Section"], Cell[2724, 88, 269, 7, 50, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3018, 99, 42, 0, 46, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3085, 103, 200, 6, 27, "Input"], Cell[3288, 111, 284, 10, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3609, 126, 42, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[3654, 129, 35, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3726, 135, 200, 6, 27, "Input"], Cell[3929, 143, 283, 10, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4249, 158, 90, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[4342, 162, 261, 9, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4640, 176, 42, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[4685, 179, 35, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[4735, 183, 182, 5, 32, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4942, 192, 68, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[5013, 195, 41, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[5069, 199, 92, 3, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5186, 206, 77, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[5266, 209, 36, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[5317, 213, 60, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5402, 217, 101, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[5506, 221, 761, 10, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[6282, 234, 140, 3, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[6447, 241, 107, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[6557, 245, 9210, 230, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[15816, 481, 59, 0, 30, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[15900, 485, 575, 11, 98, "Subsubsection"], Cell[16478, 498, 44, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[16525, 501, 170, 4, 59, "Input"], Cell[16698, 507, 122, 3, 30, "Text"], Cell[16823, 512, 177, 5, 27, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[17025, 521, 48, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[17076, 524, 69, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[17182, 530, 62, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[17247, 533, 2597, 83, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[19905, 623, 58, 0, 46, "Subsection"], Cell[19966, 625, 61, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20052, 629, 86, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[20141, 633, 39, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20217, 639, 89, 2, 24, "Input"], Cell[20309, 643, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20384, 649, 62, 1, 24, "Input"], Cell[20449, 652, 328, 12, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[20792, 667, 126, 3, 27, "Text"], Cell[20921, 672, 235, 7, 27, "Input"], Cell[21159, 681, 106, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[21290, 687, 42, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[21335, 690, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[21388, 694, 204, 5, 43, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[21617, 703, 192, 5, 27, "Input"], Cell[21812, 710, 42, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[21869, 714, 30, 0, 27, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[21924, 718, 84, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[22011, 722, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22086, 728, 78, 2, 24, "Input"], Cell[22167, 732, 35, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[22217, 736, 139, 3, 27, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22381, 743, 186, 5, 31, "Input"], Cell[22570, 750, 282, 4, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[22867, 757, 25, 0, 27, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22917, 761, 81, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[23001, 764, 235, 3, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23273, 772, 42, 1, 24, "Input"], Cell[23318, 775, 36, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[23369, 779, 80, 1, 27, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23474, 784, 79, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[23556, 788, 35, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[23606, 792, 75, 1, 27, "Text"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23718, 798, 36, 0, 30, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23779, 802, 77, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[23859, 806, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23934, 812, 74, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[24011, 816, 37, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24085, 822, 77, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[24165, 826, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24240, 832, 74, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[24317, 836, 37, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[24369, 840, 240, 5, 46, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24634, 849, 77, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[24714, 853, 36, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24787, 859, 75, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[24865, 863, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24964, 871, 69, 0, 36, "Section"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[25058, 875, 40, 0, 46, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[25123, 879, 71, 2, 29, "Input"], Cell[25197, 883, 132, 2, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[25344, 888, 44, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[25391, 891, 209, 5, 59, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[25625, 900, 80, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[25708, 904, 147, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[25892, 912, 136, 3, 27, "Input"], Cell[26031, 917, 187, 3, 35, "Message"], Cell[26221, 922, 191, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[26427, 928, 49, 1, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[26501, 933, 80, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[26584, 937, 189, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[26788, 943, 51, 1, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[26864, 948, 75, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[26942, 952, 191, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27170, 960, 90, 1, 31, "Input"], Cell[27263, 963, 132, 2, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27432, 970, 39, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[27474, 973, 38, 1, 27, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27549, 979, 88, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[27640, 983, 208, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[27863, 989, 27, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[27893, 991, 102, 3, 30, "Text"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28032, 999, 35, 0, 46, "Subsection"], Cell[28070, 1001, 71, 1, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28166, 1006, 74, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[28243, 1010, 39, 1, 27, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[28297, 1014, 44, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[28344, 1017, 209, 5, 59, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28578, 1026, 136, 3, 27, "Input"], Cell[28717, 1031, 186, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[28918, 1037, 49, 1, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28992, 1042, 74, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[29069, 1046, 188, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[29294, 1054, 75, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[29372, 1058, 186, 3, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[29595, 1066, 90, 1, 31, "Input"], Cell[29688, 1069, 132, 2, 43, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[29857, 1076, 73, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[29933, 1080, 38, 1, 27, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30020, 1087, 67, 1, 46, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30112, 1092, 72, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[30187, 1096, 37, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30261, 1102, 136, 3, 26, "Input"], Cell[30400, 1107, 205, 3, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[30620, 1113, 49, 1, 31, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30694, 1118, 74, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[30771, 1122, 233, 3, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[31041, 1130, 75, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[31119, 1134, 205, 3, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[31361, 1142, 90, 1, 28, "Input"], Cell[31454, 1145, 132, 2, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[31623, 1152, 73, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[31699, 1156, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[31774, 1162, 115, 2, 41, "Subsubsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[31914, 1168, 73, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[31990, 1172, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[32065, 1178, 136, 3, 26, "Input"], Cell[32204, 1183, 200, 3, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[32419, 1189, 49, 1, 31, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[32493, 1194, 74, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[32570, 1198, 202, 3, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[32787, 1204, 23, 0, 31, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[32835, 1208, 75, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[32913, 1212, 200, 3, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[33128, 1218, 22, 0, 31, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33175, 1222, 90, 1, 28, "Input"], Cell[33268, 1225, 132, 2, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33437, 1232, 73, 2, 26, "Input"], Cell[33513, 1236, 38, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33624, 1245, 30, 0, 36, "Section"], Cell[33657, 1247, 465, 10, 104, "Text"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[34159, 1262, 56, 1, 36, "Section"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[34240, 1267, 137, 4, 42, "Subsubsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[34402, 1275, 73, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[34478, 1279, 39, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[34532, 1283, 194, 5, 62, "Text"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[34763, 1293, 64, 0, 28, "Subsubsection"], Cell[34830, 1295, 23, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[34878, 1299, 67, 1, 31, "Input"], Cell[34948, 1302, 65, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[35050, 1308, 72, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[35125, 1311, 50, 1, 70, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[35190, 1315, 121, 3, 30, "Text"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]] } ] *) (******************************************************************* End of Mathematica Notebook file. *******************************************************************)