covers e-Business, RFID, Web
Technology, Decision Support, & e-Mathematics
are aware of the many different ways of arranging the entries here.
It would be nice of course that it can be searched, even within
the contents of each articles. For copyright reason, we are limited
in what we could do here. For now, it will be listed in alphabetical
order of first authors. We will annotated some of the articles.
- Aiken, M. (1995) “Group decision support systems,”
Review of Business 16 (3), 38-42.
- Abowd,
G.D. "Classroom 2000: An experiment
with the instrumentation of a living educational environment,"
IBM Systems Journal 38 (4), 1999, 508-530
- Bakos, Y. (1998) "The emerging role of electronic
marketplaces on the Internet," Commun. ACM 41 (8),
35 - 42
- Baron, J.P., Shaw, M.J., and Bailey Jr., A.D. (2000) "Web-based
e-catalog systems in B2B procurement,” Commun.
ACM 43 (5), 93-100
- Beamon,
B.M. Measuring Supply Chain Performance,
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
19 (3), 1999, 275-292
- Beth, S., Burt, D.N., Copacino, W., Gopal, C., Lee, H.L., Lynch,
R.P., and Morris, S. "Supply
Chain Challenges: Buiding Relationships,"
A conversation with, Harvard Business Review, June 2003, 64-73
(Reprint R0307E)
- Bhargava, H.K., Sridhar, S., and Herrick C. (1999) “Beyond
Spreadsheets: Tools for Building Decision Support Systems,”
IEEE Computer 32 (3), 31-39
- Bieber, M., and Vitali, F. (1997) “Toward Support for
Hypermedia on the World Wide Web,” IEEE Computer 30 (1),
- Bonatti,
P., di Vimercati, S.D.C., Samarati, P. “An
algebra for composing access control policies,”
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC),
Vol 5 Issue 1, February 2002, 1-35
- Brewington, B.E., and Cybenko, G. (2000) “Keeping Up with
the Changing Web,” IEEE Computer 33 (5), 52-58
- Brock, D.L.
"The Electronic Product
Code (EPC) - A Naming Scheme for Physical Objects,"
January 1, 2001, Auto-ID Center
- Carlsson, C., and E. Turban, E. (2002) “Introduction DSS:
directions for the next decade,” Decision Support Systems
33, 2 (2002), 105-110
- Charalambos L, I., Benbasat, I., and Dexter, A.S. (1995) “Electronic
data interchange and small organizations: Adoption and impact
of technology,” MIS Quarterly 19 (4), 465-485
- Chaudhury, A., Mallick, D.N., & Rao, H.R. (2001) “Web
Channels in E-Commerce,” Commun. ACM 44 (1), 99-104
- Chin, L.-P.,
and Wu C.-L. "The Role of Electronic Container Seal (E-Seal)
with RFID Technology in the Container Security Initiatives,"
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on MEMS, NANA
and Smart Systems (ICMENS'04), August, 2004, Alberta, Canada.
- Chu, S.C.,
Leung, L., Hui, Y.V., & Cheung, W. "Evolution of e-Commerce
Web sites: A conceptual framework and a longitudinal study,"
Information & Management, 44 (2), March 2007 154-164

- Chu,
S.C. "Towards a Technology Landscape in Mathematics Education:
An AOLA Perspective," 10th Anniversary Commemorative CD of
ATCM, December 2005 []
- Chu,
S.C., Leung, L., Hui, Y.V., & Cheung, W., 4th
Party Cyber Logistics for Air Cargo, April,
2004, International Series in Operations Research & Management
Science, Springer
- Cingil, I., Dogac, A., and Azgin, A. (2000) “A
Broader Approach to Personalization,” Commun. ACM
43 (8), 136-141
- Damiani,
E., di Vimercati, S.D.C., Paraboschi, S., & Samarati, P. “A
fine-grained access control system for XML documents,”
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC),
Vol 5 Issue 2, May 2002, 169-202 (
if you have access)
- Dugdale,
S. Order Out of Chaos: A Spreadsheet
Excursion into a Mathematical Frontier, Journal
of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 20(4), 347-365,
2001 []
- Dutta, D. (1997) “Strategies for implementing knowledge-based
systems” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 44
(1), 79-90
- Epp,
E.C., “Relationship Management:
Secure Collaboration in a Ubiquitous Environment,”
IEEE Pervasive Computing 2, 2 (April-June 2003), 62-71
- Esper, T.L.,
and Williams, L.R., "The Value
of Collaborative Transportation Management (CTM): Its Relationship
to CPFR and Information Technology," Transportation
Journal 42 (4), Summer 2003, 55-65
- Fahey, L, Srivastava, R., Sharon, J.S., & Smith, D.E. "Linking
e-business and operating processes: The role of knkowledge management,"
IBM Systems Journal, 40 (4), 2001, pp 889-907

- Fano,
Andrew, and Gershman, Anatole "The
Future of Business Services in the Age o f Ubiquitous Computing",
Communications of the ACM, December 2002, 45(12), 83-87
- Fingar, P. (2000) “Component-based frameworks for e-commerce,”
Commun. ACM 43 (10), 61 – 67
- Fraternali, P. (1999) "Tools and approaches for developing
data-intensive Web applications: a survey," ACM Computing
Survey, 31 (3), 227 - 263
- Gebauer,
J., and Shaw, M.J. “Introduction
to the Special Section: Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce,”
IJEC 6, 4 (Summer 2002), 7-17
- Gefen, D., Karahanna, E., and Straub, D.W. (2003) “Trust
and TAM in online shopping: An integrated model,”
MIS Quarterly 27 (1), 51-90
- Glushko, R.J., Tenenbaum, J.M., and Meltzer, B. (1999) “An
XML framework for agent-based E-commerce,” Commun.
ACM 42 (3), 106-114
- Gregg, D.G., and Goul, M (1999) “A Proposal for
an Open DSS Protocol,” Commun. ACM 42 (11), 91-96
- Griffith, D.A., Krampf, R. F., and Palmer, J.W. (2001) “The
Role of Interface in Electronic Commerce: Consumer Involvement
with Print Versus On-Line Catalogs,” International Journal
of Electronic Commerce 5 (4), 135-154
- Haavengen, B., Olsen, D.H. and Sena, J.A. “The
value chain component in a decision support system: a case example,”
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 48, 2 (2001), 132-143
- Hoffman, D., Novak, T.P., and Peralta, M. (1999) “Building
Consumer Trust Online,” Commun. ACM 42 (4), 80-85
- Iskandar, B. Y., Kurokawa, S. and LeBlanc., L.J. “Adoption
of electronic data interchange: the role of buyer-supplier relationships,”
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 48, 4 (2001), 505-517
- Jones, P.,
Clarke-Hill, C., Comfort, D., Hillier, D., and Shears, P. Radio
Frequency Identification in Retailing and Privacy and Public Policy
Issues, Management Research News, August 2004,
27(8-9), 45-56
- Jutla, D., Bodorik, P., Hajnal, C., and Davis, C. (1999) “Making
Business Sense of Electronic Commerce,” IEEE Computer 32
(3), 67-75
- Kambil, A. (1997) “Doing Business in the Wired World,”
IEEE Computer 30 (5), 56-61
- Kaplan, S., and Sawhney M. (2000) "E-Hubs: The New B2B
Marketplaces," Harvard Business Review, May-June, 97 - 103
- Karkkainen, Mikko, "Increasing
Efficiency in the Supply Chain for Short Shelf Life Goods Using
RFID Tagging," International Journal of Retail
& Distribution Management, 2003, 31(10), 529-536
- Kristol, D.M. (2001) “HTTP Cookies: Standards, privacy,
and politics,” ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 1
(2), 151-198
- Lasserre, F. "Logistics and
the Internet: transportation and location issues are crucial in
the logistics chain," Journal of Transport
Geography 12 (2004), pp 73-84

- Lechner,
U., and Hummel, J. (2002) "Business
Models and System Architectures of Virual Communities: from a
Socialogical Phenomenon to Peer-to-Peer Architectures,"
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 6(3), 41-53.
- Lee,
P.Y., Whither Goes Technology, Proceedings of ATCM 1999, Edited
by Yang, Wang, Chu & Fitz-Gerald
- Leong,
B. Getting the Internet Ready
for Mathematics, a plenary speech, Proceedings
of ATCM 1997, Malaysia
- Leung, L.C., Cheung, W., and Hui, Y.V. (2000) "A Framework
for a Logistics E-Commerce Community Network: The Hong Kong Air
Cargo Industry", IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics
30 (4), 446-455
- Lohse, G.L., and Spiller P. (1998) “Electronic Shopping,”,
Commun. ACM 41 (7), 81-88
- Markus, M.
L., Majchrzak, A., and Gasser, L., "A
Design Theory for Systems that Support Emergent Knowledge Processes,"
MIS Quarterly, 26 (3), September 2002, 179-212
- MathML: [visited November 18, 2005]
- McGinity,
Meg "RFID: Is This Game of
Tag Fair Play?" CACM 47 (1), January 2004,
- Meloan, S.
"Toward a Global "Internet
of Things"," November 11, 2003 at
- Mylonopoulos, N.A., and Doukidis, G.I. (Fall 2003) “Introduction
to the Special Issue: Mobile Business: Technological Pluralism,
Social Assimilation, and Growth,” International Journal
of Electronic Commerce, Vol 8(1), 5-22
- Osterle,
H., Fleisch, E., and Alt, R. “Business
Networking: Shaping Collaboration Between Enterprises,”
Second, Revised and Extended Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2001 [more]
- Pottie, Gregory J. "Privacy
in the Global E-Village," Communications
of the ACM, February 2004, 47 (2), 21-23.
- Prater, Edmund, Frazier, Gregory V, and Reyes, Pedro M, "Future
impacts of RFID on e-supply chains in grocery retailing,"
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, February 2005,
10(2), 134-142.
- Riggins, F.J., and Rhee, H-S. “Towards
a Unified View of Electronic Commerce,”
Comm. Of ACM 41, 10 (1998), 88-95 [more]
- Santhanam R., and Hartono, E., “Issues
in Linking Information Technology Capability to Firm Performance,”
MIS Quarterly, 27, 1 (March 2003), 125-153
- Senn, J.A. (2000) “The Emergence of M-Commerce,”
IEEE Computer 33 (12), 148-150
- Shim, J.P., Warkentin, M., Courtney, J.F., Power, D.J., Sharda,
R., and Carlsson, C. (2002) “Past, present, and future of
decision support technology,” Decision Support Systems,
33, 111-126
- Shim, S.S.Y., Pendyala, V.S., Sundaram, M. and Gao, J.Z. (2000)
"Business-to-Business E-Commerce Frameworks,"
IEEE Computer, x (10), 40-47
- Siau, K., Lim, E., and Shen, Z. (2001) “Mobile commerce:
promises, challenges, and research agenda,” Journal of Database
Management 12 (3), 4-13.
- Smith, Alan D., Exploring radio frequency identification
technology and its impact on business systems, Information
Management & Computer Security, January 2005, 13(1), 16-28
- Smith, H., and Poulter, K (1999) “Share the ontology
in XML-based trading architectures,” Commun. ACM
42 (3), 110 – 111
- Stanford, V. “Pervasive
Computing Goes the Last Hundred Feet with RFID Systems,”
IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 2, 2 (April-June 2003), 9-14
- Seligman, L., and Rosenthal, A. (2001) XML's
Impact on Databases and Data Sharing, IEEE Computer,
- Shim, S.S.Y., V.S. Pendyala, M. Sundaram, and J. Z. Gao "Business-to-Business
E-Commerce Frameworks," IEEE Computer, October
2000, 40-47.
- St. Laurent, S., Johnston, J., and Dumbill, E. (June 2001) Programming
Web Services with XML-RPC, O'Reilly.
- Storey, V.C., D. W. Straub, K. A. Stewart and R. J. Welke "A
conceptual investigation of the e-commerce industry,"
Commun. ACM 43, 7 (2000), 117 - 123.
- Taylor-Powell, E.; Boyd, R. & Geran, J. (1998) Evaluating
Collaboratives: Reaching the Potential, Madison,
WI: University of Wisconsin-Extensio, 1998
- Tenenbaum, J.M., Chowdhry, T.S., & Hughes, K. (1997) “Eco
System: An Internet Commerce Architecture,” IEEE
Computer 30 (5), 48-55
- Threlkel,
M. S. and Kavan, C.B. “From traditional EDI to Internet-based
EDI: managerial considerations,” Journal of Information Technology
14, 4 (1999), 347-360
- Tseng, Y-C, Shen, C-C, and Chen, W-T Integrating
Mobile IP with Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Computer
36 (5), 2003, 48-55
- Turner, M, Budgen, D., and Brereton, P. Turning
Software into a Service, IEEE Computer 36 (10),
2003, 38-44
- Vaughan-Nichols, Steven J., XML
Raises Concerns as It Gains Prominence, IEEE
Computer 36 (5), 2003, 14-16
- Walsh, N., and Muellner, L., "DocBook:
The Definitive Guide," O'Reilly, 1st Edition,
October 1999.
- Welty B.,
and I. Becerra-Fernandez, I. (2001) Managing
Trust and Commitment in Collaborative Supply Chain Relationships,
Communications of ACM 44, 6, 67-73.
- Wigand, R.T.
(1997) Electronic Commerce: Definition,
Theory, and Context, The Information Society,
13(1): 1-16, Jan-Mar.
- Wise, R.,
and D. Morrison, D. (2000) "Beyond
the Exchange: The Future of B2B," Harvard
Business Review, November-December, 86 - 96.
- Yang, J.,
and Papazoglou, M.P. (2000) "Interoperation
support for electronic business," Commun.
ACM 43, 6 (2000), 39 47
- Yunos, H.M.,
Gao, J. Z., and S. Simon Wireless
Advertisings Challenges and Opportunities, IEEE
Computer 36 (5), 2003, 30-37
- Zwass, V.
(1996) Electronic Commerce: Structures
and issues, International Journal of Electronic
Commerce 1, 1, 3-23.
- Zeng, D.D.,
"Managing flexibility for inter-organizational
electronic commerce," Electronic Commerce
Research, 1 (1-2), Feb/Mar 2001, 33-51